速報APP / 健康塑身 / Abbott FISH Chromosome Search

Abbott FISH Chromosome Search



檔案大小:7.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Abbott FISH Chromosome Search(圖1)-速報App

Search. Simplified.

The Abbott FISH Chromosome Search provides fast access to the most up-to-date Vysis FISH probe information, organized according to their chromosome and specific locus. Each of the 24 human chromosomes are listed by chromosome number and represented by a chromosome ideogram illustrated at the 550 band level. This patented, interactive tool provides access from FISH probe descriptions directly to the following:

- FISH Probe Maps

- FISH Hybridization Images

- Associated Product Pages

- Online Ordering on the AbbottMolecular.com website (US-only)

Content within this app is intended for residents of a particular country or region. The application will prompt you to select either “Global” or “United States” on launch. It may contain information on molecular diagnostics, medical devices, and other products that are not approved in other countries or regions. Additionally, presentation within the app of Vysis FISH probes and associated probe maps and hybridization images requires an active data connection in order to be displayed.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad